Just Another.....Knit!

Monday, April 21, 2008

GAAA - Finished - With Some Issues

Aside from having to weave in a few (million) ends…..the afghan is done.

What I would have done differently?

1) A few squares came really large…if/when I knit the afghan again (Bob would love one) I would go down a needle size on Rainey, Vincent, Hewitt.
2) When I was seaming the squares together, I had a hard time “easing” these larger squares to the smaller squares. I am not happy with those seams. The light bulb didn’t come on until I was done fudging. USE PINS! (Which I did use sewing on the border and it went off without a hitch!) I’m hoping a little steam and time will relax them. I used a light hand when sewing so it isn’t the sewing that is causing the puckering, it’s the lack of proper easing.
3) I love the border!

Bob was cute. “Won’t that disappear when you block it?”

Overall, I am pleased with the afghan, the yarn choice and the color.

And, it’s basically done.



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