Just Another.....Knit!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

What's Next!.......

Gregg has requested a black hat....and I have been doing some serious thinking about Kilcar. I have decided to rip back to the armhole yet again, work the sides in stockinette and see if the third time's the charm. If it doesn't please me, or the stitch count is off AGAIN, I'll rip it out and choose something else. I hate to admit defeat but there are so many issues with this sweater. I am already stressing about sewing it together...bulky yarn means bulky seams....the collar is knit separately and then attached. I'm thinking of just knitting it on....I've also decided wet blocking is the way to go...will do my swatch first to see how the yarn behaves...but...this all depends on the armohles. Sigh.

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  • At 11:56 AM, Blogger Jany said…

    They look so happy together and they MATCH.......WOW........

    Good luck with Kilcar, and once you figure it out forward the fix to Debbie Bliss and suggest she try out each of her patterns before she publishes them!

  • At 12:10 PM, Blogger Janette said…

    You'll be the first to know how it goes! I'm just getting ready to draw yet another graph....maybe that will tell the tale before I actually rip and knit. I am cautiously optimistic. But, if this doesn't work....I am done.....


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