Just Another.....Knit!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Pan's Labyrinth....is my guess for the theme of the Mystery Stole 3.....

Does anyone else see a goat in the lower mid-section of the stole? Horns and all? Goat - Pan - Pan's Labyrinth.

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  • At 6:50 AM, Blogger Valerie Michelle said…

    The shawl is gorgeous. I don't know if I see a goat but if you do its probably there cause you can see it in person! And I cannot believe what happened with your needles. The same thing happened to me once and it was a nightmare picking up all those stitches!

  • At 4:03 PM, Blogger Jany said…

    Aside from the fact that as an abstract design this is a gorgeous shawl design........do you not think that Pan's L. has too much negative symbolism for something so beautiful? I could understand (maybe) themes from Greek and Roman mythology......I see the horns though.....an interesting puzzle at the least, and a TON of knitting since Friday :)

    Also, that blankie has been on the chopping block for a while now, don't you think?....I really like it and do not understand why you don't (was it boring?)....I love the pattern I am using and it goes very fast...I guess it too would be boring, but if you like.....I can send it to you ! :P


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